There's a lot of things I love about talking to people. One of them is how it is such a relief to experience that we all go through the same doubts and tribulations, mistakes and did I say doubts? I meant doubts. Twenty years ago a friend told me a quote (can't remember who first said it) that goes something like,
"To chose a life of faith is to live a life of doubt." It's like how in so many natural healing modalities, things get worse before they get better. And in healing development, when you chose to have more love in your life all your existing blocks to love show up first - so you can heal them and actually have what you're saying you want = more love in your life.
I was talking to a friend who is also a professional healer and spiritual coach this weekend. We had a great boost of healing in the form of laughing as we talked about various people we both know (including ourselves) who are bouncing off the walls these days as our bodies struggle to catch up with the energy shifts that are going on like a series of small earthquakes.
I was telling her how one minute I clearly see how everything that is and everything that has been is all perfect and in alignment and good to go. And then suddenly, it's like someone has turned the etcher-sketch upside down again and all I can see or feel is failure and chaos, again! Just her laughing from relating and sharing that we each have friends that are experiencing similar tumult was like a balm and helped the body relax and not take things so seriously.
I know that's one of the things that I get hooked on - the seriousness of it all. There is a downward spiral of doubt that sucks all the life out of things. And then I'm hooked, I give my life energy over to thoughts of what I'm afraid will happen or has happened. Fear and not in the present - two energies guaranteed to agitate body enough to throw spirit out in the death-grip of survival. What's the opposite of the law of attraction? Desperate survival energy, the ultimate repellent. It won't work on bugs but it sure works on sending away what would really help while drawing towards you all the stuff you don't want.
If I didn't give it so much power and life-force energy, it wouldn't have enough power to become true in physical reality. I have sometimes really excelled at creating what I most fervently don't want. It really sucks, but I'm turning that around. That's what doing it different is all about really. Turning things around. That and remembering that "normal rules don't apply."
On Haiti -
I did some healing meditation work on Haiti again today. I got the message that as spirits, the people who have been involved in this mass tragedy were all signed up for this and that much good and awareness is and will come from this. This is not to say that people make choices on a body-personality level to go through something like this. It's not the self-conscious mind that signs up for these things, it is that as spirit, as the one who takes on a body and a lifetime as if donning a garment - that everlasting spirit part that takes on challenges like this one. Death is not the hard part. Death is really a graduation to a higher next level of awareness and life - just not with a body and on this plane of existence. It is a completion and a graduation of sorts. It is the physical suffering that is so hard to bear. That and the extreme fear, and the engulfing sense of aloneness.
A really surprising piece of information that came from today's session was the message that one of the things this wake-up call is trying to tell us is that in the recent past society has been moved away from supporting individuals to supporting corporations and institutions, and we must turn that tide back around. This event and Katrina and the Tsunami show how if it is an area where people with money want to go for their pleasure (vacation fun) then the infestructure will be repaired, streets repaved, buildings and utilities restored in quick order because otherwise, some company (companies) will loose out on those sales and that is unacceptable losses. Yet if it is an area where the wealthy are not likely to go and spend money, then we hear a lot about the problems of the infestructure and getting supplies delivered, etc, etc. Institutions are having trouble getting real help to real people, and yet small organizations that are not institutions but a collection of people helping people - these are the ones that are not having trouble getting help where it is needed.
Institutions want the people to come to it and do what it needs them to do so it can help them. People will just go where the other people and the needs are.
We can no longer think of sustainability only in terms of renewable resources for food and energy. This is also a wake up call to how unsustainable the economic practices are. Since the end of WWII so much of our culture, driven by the economy, has switched from self-sustaining to dependence on corporations. And government at one time was there to protect the citizens from corporate greed, but many of those safeguards have been dissolved.
The truth is that many of us feel neither protected, defended or supported by our economy, or our "way of life" - corporate first, people second.
It is time we realize that in truth, if I don't have your back and you don't have my back, we're both in trouble. Neither corporations or government have our backs and the truth is, that's our job. WE are the family of man - and we have to wake up from the lies that tell us to suspect each other all the time. Remember, people could be friends you just haven't met yet, instead of suspects or the undeserving poor.
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This is very interesting. I'll be back to read more.