Monday, February 22, 2010

Resistance 101

Resistance is very often the first step for me. Honestly, sometimes I sound just like a modern republican, "NO!" (republican's haven't always been this way, remember - they used to be sometimes worthy opponents.)

But luckily I have this inner guide. As I wrestle with this new level of awareness that I really do create my physical reality, I wake up with some great words of encouragement and reminders. Today's topic was loneliness;
"Fill the desire to not be lonely with inner-conversation with us, your guides and angels - you innate connectedness. Feed that today. Nurture that today. Act as if that is true and real today, since you know it is."

"Give today what you most need to experience - such as faith and mirth. Make a game of seeing the good in others, in the situation, in the stack of back-logged problems. See how these are gifts, not menaces! Go for that old attitude of gratitude thing today. A p p r e c i a t e EVERYTHING all. day. long. I dare ya."

Here we go.

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